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Authentication with Supabase
Published on April 12th, 2024 by Nick Morgan (@morganick)
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bunx ignite-cli@latest new AuthRecipe --workflow=cng --remove-demo --git --install-deps --packager=bun cd AuthRecipe bun run ios bunx ignite-cli@latest generate screen SignIn import React, { FC, useState } from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite" import { Image, ImageStyle, Pressable, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle, } from "react-native" import { AppStackScreenProps } from "app/navigators" import { Button, Screen, Text, TextField } from "app/components" import { useSafeAreaInsetsStyle } from "app/utils/useSafeAreaInsetsStyle" import { colors, spacing } from "app/theme" const logo = require("../../assets/images/logo.png") interface SignInScreenProps extends AppStackScreenProps<"SignIn"> {} export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer( function SignInScreen() { const $bottomContainerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(["bottom"]) const [email, setEmail] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") const onSignIn = () => { // Sign In Flow console.log("Sign In Flow", { email, password }) } const onSignUp = () => { // Sign Up Flow console.log("Sign Up Flow") } const onForgotPassword = () => { // Forgot Password Flow console.log("Forgot Password Flow") } return ( <Screen contentContainerStyle={$root} preset="auto" safeAreaEdges={["top"]} > <View style={$container}> <View style={$topContainer}> <Image style={$logo} source={logo} resizeMode="contain" /> </View> <View style={[$bottomContainer, $bottomContainerInsets]}> <View> <TextField containerStyle={$textField} label="Email" autoCapitalize="none" defaultValue={email} onChangeText={setEmail} /> <TextField containerStyle={$textField} label="Password" autoCapitalize="none" defaultValue={password} secureTextEntry onChangeText={setPassword} /> </View> <View> <Button onPress={onSignIn}>Sign In</Button> <Pressable style={$forgotPassword} onPress={onForgotPassword}> <Text preset="bold">Forgot Password?</Text> </Pressable> <Text style={$buttonDivider}>- or -</Text> <Button preset="reversed" onPress={onSignUp}> Sign Up </Button> </View> <View style={$cap} /> </View> </View> </Screen> ) } ) const $root: ViewStyle = { minHeight: "100%", backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral100, } const $container: ViewStyle = { backgroundColor: colors.background, } const $topContainer: ViewStyle = { height: 200, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", } const $bottomContainer: ViewStyle = { backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral100, paddingBottom: spacing.xl, paddingHorizontal: spacing.lg, } const $cap: ViewStyle = { backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral100, borderTopLeftRadius: 16, borderTopRightRadius: 16, height: spacing.xl, position: "absolute", top: -spacing.xl, left: 0, right: 0, } const $textField: ViewStyle = { marginBottom:, } const $forgotPassword: ViewStyle = { marginVertical:, } const $buttonDivider: TextStyle = { textAlign: "center", marginVertical:, } const $logo: ImageStyle = { height: 88, width: "100%", marginBottom: spacing.xxl, } const AppStack = observer(function AppStack() { // success-line const isAuthenticated = false return ( <Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false, navigationBarColor: colors.background, }} > // success-line-start {isAuthenticated ? ( <> {/** 🔥 Your screens go here */} <Stack.Screen name="Welcome" component={Screens.WelcomeScreen} /> {/* IGNITE_GENERATOR_ANCHOR_APP_STACK_SCREENS */} </> ) : ( <Stack.Screen name="SignIn" component={Screens.SignInScreen} /> )} // success-line-end </Stack.Navigator> ) }) EXPO_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL="https://<your-project-id>" EXPO_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY="<your-anon-public-key>" .env bunx eas secret:push --scope project --env-file .env export interface ConfigBaseProps { persistNavigation: "always" | "dev" | "prod" | "never" catchErrors: "always" | "dev" | "prod" | "never" exitRoutes: string[] // success-line-start supabaseUrl: string supabaseAnonKey: string // success-line-end } export type PersistNavigationConfig = ConfigBaseProps["persistNavigation"] const BaseConfig: ConfigBaseProps = { // This feature is particularly useful in development mode, but // can be used in production as well if you prefer. persistNavigation: "dev", /** * Only enable if we're catching errors in the right environment */ catchErrors: "always", /** * This is a list of all the route names that will exit the app if the back button * is pressed while in that screen. Only affects Android. */ exitRoutes: ["Welcome"], // success-line-start // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion supabaseUrl: process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL!, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion supabaseAnonKey: process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY!, // success-line-end } export default BaseConfig bunx expo install @supabase/supabase-js react-native-mmkv bun ios # or bun android import { MMKV } from "react-native-mmkv" const storage = new MMKV({ id: "session", }) // TODO: Remove this workaround for encryption: storage.set("workaround", true) /** * A simple wrapper around MMKV that provides a base API * that matches AsyncStorage for use with Supabase. */ /** * Get an item from storage by key * * @param {string} key of the item to fetch * @returns {Promise<string | null>} value for the key as a string or null if not found */ export async function getItem(key: string): Promise<string | null> { try { return storage.getString(key) ?? null } catch { console.warn(`Failed to get key "${key}" from secure storage`) return null } } /** * Sets an item in storage by key * * @param {string} key of the item to store * @param {string} value of the item to store */ export async function setItem(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> { try { storage.set(key, value) } catch { console.warn(`Failed to set key "${key}" in secure storage`) } } /** * Removes a single item from storage by key * * @param {string} key of the item to remove */ export async function removeItem(key: string): Promise<void> { try { storage.delete(key) } catch { console.warn(`Failed to remove key "${key}" from secure storage`) } } bunx expo install expo-secure-store expo-crypto ... "plugins": [ "expo-localization", // success-line "expo-secure-store", [ "expo-build-properties", { "ios": { "newArchEnabled": false, "flipper": false }, "android": { "newArchEnabled": false } } ], "expo-font" ], ... bun ios # or bun android import { MMKV } from "react-native-mmkv" // success-line-start import * as SecureStore from "expo-secure-store" import * as Crypto from "expo-crypto" const fetchOrGenerateEncryptionKey = (): string => { const encryptionKey = SecureStore.getItem("session-encryption-key") if (encryptionKey) { return encryptionKey } else { const uuid = Crypto.randomUUID() SecureStore.setItem("session-encryption-key", uuid) return uuid } } // success-line-end const storage = new MMKV({ id: "session", // success-line encryptionKey: fetchOrGenerateEncryptionKey(), }) ... import Config from "app/config" import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js" import * as SessionStorage from "app/utils/storage/SessionStorage" import { AppState } from "react-native" export const supabase = createClient( Config.supabaseUrl, Config.supabaseAnonKey, { auth: { storage: SessionStorage, autoRefreshToken: true, detectSessionInUrl: false, }, } ) export { type Session, type AuthError } from "@supabase/supabase-js" /** * Tells Supabase to autorefresh the session while the application * is in the foreground. (Docs: */ AppState.addEventListener("change", (nextAppState) => { if (nextAppState === "active") { supabase.auth.startAutoRefresh() } else { supabase.auth.stopAutoRefresh() } }) import React, { createContext, PropsWithChildren, useCallback, useContext, useState, } from "react" import { Session, supabase } from "./supabase" import { AuthResponse, AuthTokenResponsePassword } from "@supabase/supabase-js" type AuthState = { isAuthenticated: boolean token?: Session["access_token"] } type SignInProps = { email: string password: string } type SignUpProps = { email: string password: string } type AuthContextType = { signIn: (props: SignInProps) => Promise<AuthTokenResponsePassword> signUp: (props: SignUpProps) => Promise<AuthResponse> } & AuthState const AuthContext = createContext<AuthContextType>({ isAuthenticated: false, token: undefined, signIn: () => new Promise(() => ({})), signUp: () => new Promise(() => ({})), }) export function useAuth() { const value = useContext(AuthContext) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { if (!value) { throw new Error("useAuth must be used within an AuthProvider") } } return value } export const AuthProvider = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => { const [token, setToken] = useState<AuthState["token"]>(undefined) const signIn = useCallback( async ({ email, password }: SignInProps) => { const result = await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword({ email, password, }) if ( { setToken( } return result }, [supabase] ) const signUp = useCallback( async ({ email, password }: SignUpProps) => { const result = await supabase.auth.signUp({ email, password, }) if ( { setToken( } return result }, [supabase] ) return ( <AuthContext.Provider value={{ isAuthenticated: !!token, token, signIn, signUp, }} > {children} </AuthContext.Provider> ) } ... import { ViewStyle } from "react-native" // success-line import { AuthProvider } from "./services/auth/useAuth" ... return ( // success-line <AuthProvider> <SafeAreaProvider initialMetrics={initialWindowMetrics}> <ErrorBoundary catchErrors={Config.catchErrors}> <GestureHandlerRootView style={$container}> <AppNavigator linking={linking} initialState={initialNavigationState} onStateChange={onNavigationStateChange} /> </GestureHandlerRootView> </ErrorBoundary> </SafeAreaProvider> // success-line </AuthProvider> ) } ... import { colors } from "app/theme" // success-line import { useAuth } from "app/services/auth/useAuth" ... const AppStack = observer(function AppStack() { // error-line const isAuthenticated = false // success-line const { isAuthenticated } = useAuth() return ( <Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false, navigationBarColor: colors.background }}> {isAuthenticated ? ( <> {/** 🔥 Your screens go here */} <Stack.Screen name="Welcome" component={Screens.WelcomeScreen} /> {/* IGNITE_GENERATOR_ANCHOR_APP_STACK_SCREENS */} </> ) : ( <Stack.Screen name="SignIn" component={Screens.SignInScreen} /> )} </Stack.Navigator> ) }) ... ... import { colors, spacing } from "app/theme" // success-line import { useAuth } from "app/services/auth/useAuth" ... export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer(function SignInScreen() { const $bottomContainerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(["bottom"]) // success-line const { signIn, signUp } = useAuth() const [email, setEmail] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") const passwordInput = React.useRef<TextInput>(null) const onSignIn = () => { // error-line-start // Sign In Flow console.log("Sign In Flow", { email, password }) // error-line-end // success-line signIn({ email, password }) } const onSignUp = () => { // error-line-start // Sign Up Flow console.log("Sign Up Flow") // error-line-end // success-line signUp({ email, password }) } ... ... type AuthContextType = { signIn: (props: SignInProps) => Promise<AuthTokenResponsePassword> signUp: (props: SignUpProps) => Promise<AuthResponse> // success-line signOut: () => void } & AuthState const AuthContext = createContext<AuthContextType>({ isAuthenticated: false, token: undefined, signIn: () => new Promise(() => ({})), signUp: () => new Promise(() => ({})), // success-line signOut: () => undefined, }) ... export const AuthProvider = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => { ... // success-line-start const signOut = useCallback(async () => { await supabase.auth.signOut() setToken(undefined) }, [supabase]) // success-line-end return ( <AuthContext.Provider value={{ isAuthenticated: !!token, token, signIn, signUp, // success-line signOut, }} > {children} </AuthContext.Provider> ) } import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite" import React, { FC } from "react" import { Image, ImageStyle, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native" // error-line import { Text } from "app/components" // success-line import { Button, Text } from "app/components" import { isRTL } from "../i18n" import { AppStackScreenProps } from "../navigators" import { colors, spacing } from "../theme" import { useSafeAreaInsetsStyle } from "../utils/useSafeAreaInsetsStyle" // success-line import { useAuth } from "app/services/auth/useAuth" const welcomeLogo = require("../../assets/images/logo.png") const welcomeFace = require("../../assets/images/welcome-face.png") interface WelcomeScreenProps extends AppStackScreenProps<"Welcome"> {} export const WelcomeScreen: FC<WelcomeScreenProps> = observer( function WelcomeScreen() { const $bottomContainerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(["bottom"]) const { signOut } = useAuth() return ( <View style={$container}> <View style={$topContainer}> <Image style={$welcomeLogo} source={welcomeLogo} resizeMode="contain" /> <Text testID="welcome-heading" style={$welcomeHeading} // error-line tx="welcomeScreen.readyForLaunch" // success-line text="Congratulations 🎉 You're signed in!" preset="heading" /> <Text tx="welcomeScreen.exciting" preset="subheading" /> <Image style={$welcomeFace} source={welcomeFace} resizeMode="contain" /> </View> <View style={[$bottomContainer, $bottomContainerInsets]}> // error-line <Text tx="welcomeScreen.postscript" size="md" /> // success-line <Button onPress={signOut}>Sign Out</Button> </View> </View> ) } ) ... const AppStack = observer(function AppStack() { const { isAuthenticated } = useAuth() return ( <Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false, navigationBarColor: colors.background }}> {isAuthenticated ? ( <> {/** 🔥 Your screens go here */} <Stack.Screen name="Welcome" component={Screens.WelcomeScreen} /> {/* IGNITE_GENERATOR_ANCHOR_APP_STACK_SCREENS */} </> ) : ( <Stack.Screen name="SignIn" component={Screens.SignInScreen} // success-line options={{ animationTypeForReplace: "pop" }} /> )} </Stack.Navigator> ) }) ... ... // error-line import React, { createContext, PropsWithChildren, useCallback, useContext, useState } from "react" // success-line import React, { createContext, PropsWithChildren, useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react" ... export const AuthProvider = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => { const [token, setToken] = useState<AuthState["token"]>(undefined) // success-line-start useEffect(() => { const { data: { subscription }, } = supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => { switch (event) { case "SIGNED_OUT": setToken(undefined) break case "INITIAL_SESSION": case "SIGNED_IN": case "TOKEN_REFRESHED": setToken(session?.access_token) break default: // no-op } }) return () => { subscription.unsubscribe() } }, [supabase]) // success-line-end ... ... export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer(function SignInScreen() { const $bottomContainerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(["bottom"]) const { signIn, signUp } = useAuth() const [email, setEmail] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") // success-line const [isSigningIn, setIsSigningIn] = useState(false) // error-line-start const onSignIn = () => { signIn({ email, password }) // error-line-end // success-line-start const onSignIn = async () => { try { setIsSigningIn(true) await signIn({ email, password }) } finally { setIsSigningIn(false) } // success-line-end } ... // error-line <Button onPress={onSignIn}>Sign In</Button> // success-line-start <Button onPress={onSignIn}> {isSigningIn ? "Signing In..." : "Sign In"} </Button> // success-line-end ... ... export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer(function SignInScreen() { const $bottomContainerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(["bottom"]) const { signIn, signUp } = useAuth() const [email, setEmail] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") const [isSigningIn, setIsSigningIn] = useState(false) // success-line const [isSigningUp, setIsSigningUp] = useState(false) const onSignIn = async () => { try { setIsSigningIn(true) await signIn({ email, password }) } finally { setIsSigningIn(false) } } // error-line-start const onSignUp = () => { signUp({ email, password }) // error-line-end // success-line-start const onSignUp = async () => { try { setIsSigningUp(true) await signUp({ email, password }) } finally { setIsSigningUp(false) } // success-line-end } ... // error-line <Button preset="reversed" onPress={onSignUp}>Sign Up</Button> // success-line-start <Button preset="reversed" onPress={onSignUp}> {isSigningUp ? "Signing Up..." : "Sign Up"} </Button> // success-line-end ... ... export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer(function SignInScreen() { const $bottomContainerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(["bottom"]) const { signIn, signUp } = useAuth() const [email, setEmail] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") const [isSigningIn, setIsSigningIn] = useState(false) const [isSigningUp, setIsSigningUp] = useState(false) // success-line const isLoading = isSigningIn || isSigningUp ... <View> <TextField containerStyle={$textField} label="Email" autoCapitalize="none" defaultValue={email} onChangeText={setEmail} // success-line readOnly={isLoading} /> <TextField containerStyle={$textField} label="Password" autoCapitalize="none" defaultValue={password} secureTextEntry onChangeText={setPassword} // success-line readOnly={isLoading} /> </View> <View> // success-line <Button onPress={onSignIn} disabled={isLoading}> {isSigningIn ? "Signing In..." : "Sign In"} </Button> // success-line <Pressable style={$forgotPassword} onPress={onForgotPassword} disabled={isLoading}> <Text preset="bold">Forgot Password?</Text> </Pressable> <Text style={$buttonDivider}>- or -</Text> // success-line <Button preset="reversed" onPress={onSignUp} disabled={isLoading}> {isSigningUp ? "Signing Up..." : "Sign Up"} </Button> </View> </View> ... export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer(function SignInScreen() { const $bottomContainerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(["bottom"]) const { signIn, signUp } = useAuth() const [email, setEmail] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") // success-line const [error, setError] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined) ... const onSignIn = async () => { try { setIsSigningIn(true) // success-line setError(undefined) // error-line await signIn({ email, password }) // success-line-start const { error } = await signIn({ email, password }) if (error) { setError(error.message) } // success-line-end } finally { setIsSigningIn(false) } } const onSignUp = async () => { try { setIsSigningUp(true) // success-line setError(undefined) // error-line await signUp({ email, password }) // success-line-start const { error } = await signUp({ email, password }) if (error) { setError(error.message) } // success-line-end } finally { setIsSigningUp(false) } } ... return ( <Screen contentContainerStyle={$root} preset="auto" safeAreaEdges={["top"]} > <View style={$container}> <View style={$topContainer}> <Image style={$logo} source={logo} resizeMode="contain" /> </View> <View style={[$bottomContainer, $bottomContainerInsets]}> // success-line {error && <Text style={$errorText}>{error}</Text>} <View> ... const $logo: ImageStyle = { height: 88, width: "100%", marginBottom: spacing.xxl, } // success-line-start const $errorText: TextStyle = { color: colors.error, } // success-line-end ... export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer(function SignInScreen() { const $bottomContainerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(["bottom"]) const { signIn, signUp } = useAuth() const [email, setEmail] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") // success-line const [validationErrors, setValidationErrors] = useState<Map<string, string>>(new Map()) ... // success-line-start const validateForm = () => { const errors: Map<string, string> = new Map() if (!email || email.split("@").length !== 2) { errors.set("Email", "must be valid email") } if (!password) { errors.set("Password", "cannot be blank") } return errors } // success-line-end const onSignIn = async () => { try { setIsSigningIn(true) setError(undefined) // success-line-start const errors = validateForm() setValidationErrors(errors) if (errors.size > 0) return // success-line-end const { error } = await signIn({ email, password }) if (error) { setError(error.message) } } finally { setIsSigningIn(false) } } const onSignUp = async () => { try { setIsSigningUp(true) setError(undefined) // success-line-start const errors = validateForm() setValidationErrors(errors) if (errors.size > 0) return // success-line-end const { error } = await signUp({ email, password }) if (error) { setError(error.message) } } finally { setIsSigningUp(false) } } ... <View> <TextField containerStyle={$textField} label="Email" autoCapitalize="none" defaultValue={email} onChangeText={setEmail} readOnly={isLoading} // success-line-start helper={validationErrors.get("Email")} status={validationErrors.get("Email") ? "error" : undefined} // success-line-end /> <TextField containerStyle={$textField} label="Password" autoCapitalize="none" defaultValue={password} secureTextEntry onChangeText={setPassword} readOnly={isLoading} // success-line-start helper={validationErrors.get("Password")} status={validationErrors.get("Password") ? "error" : undefined} // success-line-end /> ... ... <TextField autoCapitalize="none" // success-line-start autoComplete="email" autoCorrect={false} // success-line-end containerStyle={$textField} defaultValue={email} helper={validationErrors.get("Email")} // success-line inputMode="email" label="Email" onChangeText={setEmail} readOnly={isLoading} status={validationErrors.get("Email") ? "error" : undefined} /> <TextField autoCapitalize="none" // success-line-start autoComplete="current-password" autoCorrect={false} // success-line-end containerStyle={$textField} defaultValue={password} helper={validationErrors.get("Password")} label="Password" onChangeText={setPassword} readOnly={isLoading} secureTextEntry status={validationErrors.get("Password") ? "error" : undefined} /> ... // error-line import React, { FC, useState } from "react" // success-line import React, { FC, useRef, useState } from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite" // error-line import { Image, ImageStyle, Pressable, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native" // success-line import { Image, ImageStyle, Pressable, TextInput, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native" ... export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer(function SignInScreen() { ... const isLoading = isSigningIn || isSigningUp // success-line const passwordInput = useRef<TextInput>(null) const onSignIn = async () => { ... <View> <TextField autoCapitalize="none" autoComplete="email" autoCorrect={false} containerStyle={$textField} defaultValue={email} helper={validationErrors.get("Email")} inputMode="email" label="Email" onChangeText={setEmail} // success-line onSubmitEditing={() => passwordInput.current?.focus()} readOnly={isLoading} // success-line returnKeyType="next" status={validationErrors.get("Email") ? "error" : undefined} /> <TextField autoCapitalize="none" autoComplete="current-password" autoCorrect={false} containerStyle={$textField} defaultValue={password} helper={validationErrors.get("Password")} label="Password" onChangeText={setPassword} // success-line onSubmitEditing={onSignIn} readOnly={isLoading} ref={passwordInput} // success-line returnKeyType="done" secureTextEntry status={validationErrors.get("Password") ? "error" : undefined} /> </View> // error-line import React, { ComponentType, FC, useRef, useState } from "react" // success-line import React, { ComponentType, FC, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite" import { Image, ImageStyle, Pressable, TextInput, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle, } from "react-native" import { AppStackParamList, AppStackScreenProps } from "app/navigators" // error-line import { Button, Screen, Text, TextField } from "app/components" // success-line-start import { Button, Icon, Screen, Text, TextField, TextFieldAccessoryProps, } from "app/components" // success-line-end ... export const SignInScreen: FC<SignInScreenProps> = observer(function SignInScreen() { ... const [email, setEmail] = useState("") const [password, setPassword] = useState("") // success-line const [isPasswordHidden, setIsPasswordHidden] = useState(true) ... // success-line-start const PasswordRightAccessory: ComponentType<TextFieldAccessoryProps> = useMemo( () => function PasswordRightAccessory(props: TextFieldAccessoryProps) { return ( <Icon icon={isPasswordHidden ? "view" : "hidden"} color={colors.palette.neutral800} containerStyle={} size={20} onPress={() => setIsPasswordHidden(!isPasswordHidden)} /> ) }, [isPasswordHidden], ) // success-line-end return ( <Screen contentContainerStyle={$root} preset="auto" safeAreaEdges={["top"]} > ... <TextField autoCapitalize="none" autoComplete="current-password" autoCorrect={false} containerStyle={$textField} defaultValue={password} helper={validationErrors.get("Password")} labelTx="common.password" onChangeText={setPassword} onSubmitEditing={onSubmit} readOnly={isLoading} ref={passwordInput} returnKeyType="send" // error-line secureTextEntry // success-line-start RightAccessory={PasswordRightAccessory} secureTextEntry={isPasswordHidden} // success-line-end status={validationErrors.get("Password") ? "error" : undefined} /> ...
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