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PowerSync and Supabase for Local-First Data Management


This guide helps you integrate PowerSync with Supabase in an Ignite app for efficient local-first data management.

PowerSync allows your app to work smoothly offline while keeping the data in sync with your backend database.

What is PowerSync?

PowerSync is a service which synchronizes local data with your Postgres SQL back end. It lets your app work with a local copy of the users' data and automatically syncs changes to and from your backend.

Because your application interacts with the data in a local instance of SQLite, it means you'll always have fast, responsive access -- no fetching, no spinners. It also means your users will have a seamless, consistent experience even if they are offline.

In the background, PowerSync queues any changes and syncs the local data with the server whenever an internet connection becomes available. That means the data stays up to date across all of their devices.

Benefits of Using PowerSync

  • Handles Intermittent Network Connectivity: PowerSync allows your app to remain operational even in areas with unreliable internet access. Users can continue their tasks without interruption, with automatic syncing when the connection is restored.
  • Enables Offline Operation: With PowerSync, your application can fully function offline, allowing users to access and interact with their data regardless of their internet connection status.
  • Eliminates Loading Delays: Leveraging local data minimizes the need for loading indicators, offering a smoother, faster experience for the user.
  • Supports Multi-device Sync: PowerSync ensures data consistency across all of a user's devices, enabling seamless access and transition between different platforms. By integrating PowerSync into your Ignite project, you provide a more reliable and user-friendly experience, ensuring your application remains functional and responsive under various network conditions.

Using Other Backends

While this recipe uses Supabase for the backend, PowerSync can connect to almost any Postgres SQL backend and the process will be largely identical for other types of Postgres backends.

The major difference is that when the time comes, you will need to implement a PowerSyncBackendConnector for your database in place of the SupabaseConnector.

Check the PowerSync documentation for more information on connecting your database to PowerSync.


To complete this recipe you'll need:

  1. An Ignite app using Expo CNG workflow

    Create a new Ignite app using the Ignite CLI::

    npx ignite-cli@latest new PowerSyncIgnite --remove-demo --workflow=cng --yes

    PowerSync requires native modules, so we need to use Expo with Continuous Native Generation (CNG).

    If you are adding PowerSync to an app that currently uses Expo GO, you'll need to update your project to use either CNG or a development build.

  2. A Supabase Project set up and connected to a PowerSync

  1. Configure or Disable Supabase Email Verification
  • By default, Supabase requires email verification for new users. This should be configured for any production apps.
  • For the purposes of this recipe, you can disable this in the Supabase dashboard under:
    • Authentication > Providers > Email > Confirm Email

Installing SDK and Dependencies

Install necessary dependencies for PowerSync.

First install the PowerSync SDK and its dependencies.

npx expo install \
@powersync/react-native \

These dependencies include native modules so you'll need to rebuild your app after installing.

Install necessary dependencies for Supabase

First we need to install the Supabase SDK.

npx expo install @supabase/supabase-js

and we'll also need to install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage for persisting the Supabase session.

npx expo install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

Metro Configuration

The default Metro configuration uses inline requires. The @powersync/react-native package does not work well with inline requires. Update the Metro config to not use inline requires for the PowerSync SDK.

// `metro.config.js`:
// Learn more
const { getDefaultConfig } = require("expo/metro-config")

/** @type {import('expo/metro-config').MetroConfig} */
const config = getDefaultConfig(__dirname)

config.transformer.getTransformOptions = async () => ({
transform: {
// Inline requires are very useful for deferring loading of large dependencies/components.
// For example, we use it in app.tsx to conditionally load Reactotron.
// However, this comes with some gotchas.
// Read more here:
// And here:
inlineRequires: {
blockList: {
[require.resolve("@powersync/react-native")]: true,

// require() calls anywhere else will be inlined, unless they
// match any entry nonInlinedRequires.

// This helps support certain popular third-party libraries
// such as Firebase that use the extension cjs.

module.exports = config

Authenticating with Supabase

PowerSync needs a valid session token to authenticate your Supabase users. In the next section we'll implement a basic authentication flow that will let us sign in and out of Supabase.

Add Supabase Config Variables to BaseConfig

First add your Supabase config to your app's configuration. In ignite apps, config is kept in app/config/config.base.ts.

You'll need:

  • supabaseUrl: Found through your Supabase dashboard under: Project Settings > API > Project URL.
  • supabaseAnonKey: Found through your Supabase dashboard under: Project Settings > API > Project API keys.
// `app/config/config.base.ts`:

// update the interface to include the new properties
export interface ConfigBaseProps {
// Existing config properties

supabaseUrl: string
supabaseAnonKey: string

// Add the new properties to the config object
const BaseConfig: ConfigBaseProps = {
// Existing config values
supabaseUrl: '<<YOUR_SUPABASE_URL>>',
supabaseAnonKey: '<<YOUR_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY>>',

export default BaseConfig;


If you have different configurations for different environments, you can add these properties to and as needed.

Initialize the Supabase Client

Create app/services/database/supabase.ts and add the following code to initialize the Supabase client:

// app/services/database/supabase.ts
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js"
import Config from '../../config'

export const supabase = createClient(Config.supabaseUrl, Config.supabaseAnonKey, {
auth: {
persistSession: true, storage: AsyncStorage,
Persisting the Supabase Session

Unlike web environments where localStorage is available, in React Native Supabase requires us to provide a key-value store to hold the session token.

We're using AsyncStorage here for simplicity, but if you need more security, Supabase provides an example of encrypting the session token using expo-secure-storage in their React Native Auth example

Create useAuth Hook and AuthContext

Next we'll create a hook and context to manage the authentication state and make it accessible to our components.

Create app/services/database/use-auth.tsx and add the following code:

// app/services/database/use-auth.tsx
import { User } from "@supabase/supabase-js"
import { supabase } from "app/services/database/supabase"
import React, { createContext, PropsWithChildren, useCallback, useContext, useMemo, useState } from "react"

type AuthContextType = {
signIn: (email: string, password: string) => void
signUp: (email: string, password: string) => void
signOut: () => Promise<void>
signedIn: boolean
loading: boolean
error: string
user: User | null

// We initialize the context with null to ensure that it is not used outside of the provider
const AuthContext = createContext<AuthContextType | null>(null)

* AuthProvider manages the authentication state and provides the necessary methods to sign in, sign up and sign out.
export const AuthProvider = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren<any>) => {
const [signedIn, setSignedIn] = useState(false)
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
const [error, setError] = useState("")
const [user, setUser] = useState<User | null>(null)

// Sign in with provided email and password
const signIn = useCallback(async (email: string, password: string) => {

try {
// get the session and user from supabase
const {
data: {session, user},
} = await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword({ email, password })

// if we have a session and user, sign them in
if (session && user) {
// otherwise sign them out and set an error
} else {
throw new Error(error?.message);
} catch (error: any) {
setError(error?.message ?? "Unknown error")
} finally {
}, [
setSignedIn, setLoading, setError, setUser, supabase

// Create a new account with provided email and password
const signUp = useCallback(async (email: string, password: string) => {
try {
const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signUp({ email, password })
if (error) {
} else if (data.session) {
await supabase.auth.setSession(data.session)
} catch (error: any) {
setError(error?.message ?? "Unknown error")
} finally {
}, [
setSignedIn, setLoading, setError, setUser, supabase

// Sign out the current user
const signOut = useCallback(async () => {
await supabase.auth.signOut()
}, [
setSignedIn, setLoading, setError, setUser, supabase

// Always memoize context values as they can cause unnecessary re-renders if they aren't stable!
const value = useMemo(() => ({
signIn, signOut, signUp, signedIn, loading, error, user
}), [
signIn, signOut, signUp, signedIn, loading, error, user
return <AuthContext.Provider value={ value }>{ children }</AuthContext.Provider>

export const useAuth = () => {
const context = useContext(AuthContext)

// It's a good idea to throw an error if the context is null, as it means the hook is being used outside of the provider
if (context === null) {
throw new Error('useAuthContext must be used within a AuthProvider')
return context


For more information on setting up authentication with Supabase (including setting up for OAuth providers like Github, Google and Facebook), refer to the Supabase Auth documentation.


If authentication starts acting up, try refreshing your app from the Debug menu. Auth state is managed at the app level and that can cause issues with hot reloading.

Provide Auth State to Your Application

Wrap your app with the AuthProvider to provide the authentication state to your app:

// app/app.tsx
// ...other imports
import { AuthProvider } from "app/services/database/use-auth"

// ...
function App(props: AppProps) {
// ...
return (
{/* ... */ }

Create AuthScreen for signing in / registering

Use the Ignite CLI to generate a new screen for signing in:

npx ignite-cli generate screen Auth

This will:

  • create a new screen in app/screens/AuthScreen.tsx,
  • add that screen to the AppNavigator in app/navigators/AppNavigator.tsx, and
  • update the Params and ScreenProps types

Then open app/screens/AuthScreen.tsx and update the AuthScreen component to use the useAuth hook to sign in.

When the user signs in successfully, the app will automatically navigate to the Welcome screen.

// app/screens/AuthScreen.tsx
import { AppStackScreenProps } from "app/navigators"
import { Button, Screen, Text, TextField } from "app/components"
import { useAuth } from "app/services/database/use-auth"
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"
import { ActivityIndicator, Modal, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native"
import { colors, spacing } from "../theme"

interface AuthScreenProps extends AppStackScreenProps<"Auth"> {}

export const AuthScreen: React.FC<AuthScreenProps> = ({ navigation }) => {
const { signUp, signIn, loading, error, user } = useAuth()
const [email, setEmail] = useState("")
const [password, setPassword] = useState("")

const handleSignIn = async () => {
signIn(email, password)

const handleSignUp = async () => {
signUp(email, password)

useEffect(() => {
if (user) {
}, [user])

return (
<Screen style={ $container } safeAreaEdges={ ["top"] }>
<Text preset={ "subheading" }>PowerSync + Supabase</Text>
<Text preset={ "heading" }>Sign in or Create Account</Text>
inputWrapperStyle={ $inputWrapper }
containerStyle={ $inputContainer }
label={ "Email" }
value={ email }
inputMode={ "email" }
onChangeText={ setEmail }
autoCapitalize={ "none" }
containerStyle={ $inputContainer }
inputWrapperStyle={ $inputWrapper }
label={ "Password" }
value={ password }
onChangeText={ setPassword }

<View style={ $buttonContainer }>
disabled={ loading }
text={ "Sign In" }
onPress={ handleSignIn }
style={ $button }
preset={ "reversed" }

disabled={ loading }
text={ "Register New Account" }
onPress={ handleSignUp }
style={ $button }
{ error ? <Text style={ $error } text={ error }/> : null }
<Modal transparent visible={ loading }>
<View style={ $modalBackground }>
<ActivityIndicator size="large" color={ colors.palette.primary500 }/>

const $container: ViewStyle = {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
flex: 1,
justifyContent: "center",
paddingHorizontal: spacing.lg,

const $inputContainer: TextStyle = {

const $inputWrapper: TextStyle = {
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral100,
const $modalBackground: ViewStyle = {
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: "#00000040",
flex: 1,
flexDirection: "column",
justifyContent: "space-around",

const $error: TextStyle = {
color: colors.error,
textAlign: "center",
width: "100%",
fontSize: 20,

const $buttonContainer: ViewStyle = {
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
justifyContent: "space-between",

const $button: ViewStyle = {
marginTop: spacing.xs,

Create the SignOutButton component

First use the ignite CLI to generate a new screen for signing out:

npx ignite-cli generate component SignOutButton

Then, update the component to show a button that calls signOut from our useAuth when pressed.

// app/components/SignOutButton.tsx

import { Button } from "app/components/Button"
import { useAuth } from "app/services/database/use-auth"
import * as React from "react"
import { StyleProp, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native"
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"
import { spacing } from "app/theme"

export interface SignOutButtonProps {
* An optional style override useful for padding & margin.
style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>

* Describe your component here
export const SignOutButton = observer(function SignOutButton(props: SignOutButtonProps) {
const { style } = props
const $styles = [$container, style]

const { signOut } = useAuth()

const handleSignOut = async () => {
await signOut()

return (
<View style={ $styles }>
<Button text="Sign Out" onPress={ handleSignOut }/>

const $container: ViewStyle = {

Add SignOutButton to WelcomeScreen

Right now we just want to confirm that our authentication is working, so lets clear out the Welcome screen and add the SignOutButton to it.

// app/screens/WelcomeScreen.tsx
import { SignOutButton } from "app/components"
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"
import React, { FC } from "react"
import { ViewStyle } from "react-native"
import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"
import { colors } from "../theme"

interface WelcomeScreenProps
extends NativeStackScreenProps<SignedInNavigatorParamList, "Welcome"> {}

export const WelcomeScreen: FC<WelcomeScreenProps> = observer(function WelcomeScreen() {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={$container}>
<SignOutButton />

const $container: ViewStyle = {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral300,
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "flex-start",
height: "100%",
flexDirection: "column",

Update the AppNavigator

We don't want to allow users to navigate to the Welcome screen if they are not signed in.

We can ensure this by checking the user's authentication status in the AppNavigator and only allowing them to access the Auth screen if they are not signed in.

// app/navigators/AppNavigator.tsx

import { useAuth } from "app/services/database/use-auth"


const AppStack = observer(function AppStack() {
// Fetch the user from the auth context
const { signedIn } = useAuth()
return (
screenOptions={ { headerShown: false, navigationBarColor: colors.background } }
* by wrapping the Welcome screen in a conditional, we ensure that
* the user can only access it if they are signed in
*/ }
{ signedIn
? <Stack.Screen name="Welcome" component={ Screens.WelcomeScreen }/>
: null
<Stack.Screen name="Auth" component={ Screens.AuthScreen }/>

// ...

For more information on Authentication flows with react-navigation see their docs:

Checking In

At this point you should be able to:

  • sign in and sign out of your app
  • sign up for a new account.

If you are getting errors about an unverified email -- remember to disable email verification in the Supabase dashboard as described in the Prerequisites section.


This is a good time to commit your changes!

Connecting PowerSync to Supabase

Now that we have a valid Supabase session, we can connect to PowerSync and start syncing data between the local database and the backend.

We'll need to:

  1. Add our PowerSync URL to the app configuration
  2. Define our data schema, and
  3. Connect to the database

Add your PowerSync URL to your app config

Just like we did with supabase, add the PowerSync URL to your app's configuration.

Your PowerSync URL can be found in your PowerSync dashboard:

  1. Click on the Edit Instance button for your instance
  2. Copy the Instance URL from the dialog that appears.
// app/config/config.base.ts:

// update the interface to include the new properties
export interface ConfigBaseProps {
// Existing config properties
supabaseUrl: string
supabaseAnonKey: string
powersyncUrl: string

// Add the new properties to the config object
const BaseConfig: ConfigBaseProps = {
// Existing config values
supabaseUrl: '<<YOUR_SUPABASE_URL>>',
supabaseAnonKey: '<<YOUR_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY>>',
powersyncUrl: '<<YOUR_POWER_SYNC_URL>>',

Define Your Schema

First we need to define the schema for our database and TypeScript types in app/services/database/schema.ts.

The Schema defines the data that PowerSync will sync between the local SQLite database and the backend.

From the PowerSync docs:

The types available are TEXT, INTEGER and REAL. These should map directly to the values produced by the Sync Rules. If a value doesn't match, it is cast automatically.

Typescript Types

It's good to also define TypeScript types for your records, as this will help with type checking and autocompletion in your code.

Keeping them with the schema will help keep your code organized and easy to maintain.


PowerSync supports Kysely, which enables automatically generation of typescript types for your database. See this announcement for more information on how to set that up for your project.

The Schema for our Todo App

Here is the schema we'll be using for our todo app:

// app/services/database/schema.ts
import { column, Schema, TableV2 } from '@powersync/react-native';

export const LISTS_TABLE = 'lists';
export const TODOS_TABLE = 'todos';

const todos = new TableV2(
list_id: column.text,
created_at: column.text,
completed_at: column.text,
description: column.text,
created_by: column.text,
completed_by: column.text,
completed: column.integer
{ indexes: { list: ['list_id'] } }

const lists = new TableV2({
created_at: column.text,
name: column.text,
owner_id: column.text

export const AppSchema = new Schema({

export type Database = (typeof AppSchema)['types'];
export type TodoRecord = Database['todos'];
// OR:
// export type Todo = RowType<typeof todos>;

export type ListRecord = Database['lists'];

Automated Schema Generation

PowerSync can generate a Javascript version of your schema for you.

  1. Right-click on your instance in the PowerSync dashboard
  2. Select "Generate Client-Side Schema".

This will generate a schema definition in javascript that will give you a good starting point for building the rest of your schema.

Implement the SupabaseConnector

To tell PowerSync how to connect to the database we'll create a SupabaseConnector, which implements the PowerSyncBackendConnector interface with methods for fetching credentials and uploading data.

PowerSyncBackendConnector Interface

The Supabase Connector needs to implement the PowerSyncBackendConnector interface (declared here), ensuring it can seamlessly communicate with PowerSync for data synchronization.

The interface is straightforward and only requires two methods:

// from @journeyapps/powersync-sdk-common 
export interface PowerSyncBackendConnector {
/** Allows the PowerSync client to retrieve an authentication token from your backend
* which is used to authenticate against the PowerSync service.
* This should always fetch a fresh set of credentials - don't use cached
* values.
* Return null if the user is not signed in. Throw an error if credentials
* cannot be fetched due to a network error or other temporary error.
* This token is kept for the duration of a sync connection.
fetchCredentials: () => Promise<PowerSyncCredentials | null>

/** Upload local changes to the app backend.
* Use {@link AbstractPowerSyncDatabase.getCrudBatch} to get a batch of changes to upload.
* Any thrown errors will result in a retry after the configured wait period (default: 5 seconds).
uploadData: (database: AbstractPowerSyncDatabase) => Promise<void>

Implement SupabaseConnector

In app/services/database/supabase.ts, we'll add the two methods, and then export an object that implements the PowerSyncBackendConnector interface.

// app/services/database/supabase.ts
import {
} from "@powersync/react-native"
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js"
import Config from "../../config"

export const supabase = createClient(Config.supabaseUrl, Config.supabaseAnonKey, {
auth: {
persistSession: true, storage: AsyncStorage,

// This function fetches the session token from Supabase, it should return null if the user is not signed in, and the session token if they are.
async function fetchCredentials(): Promise<PowerSyncCredentials | null> {
const { data: { session }, error } = await supabase.auth.getSession()

if (error) {
throw new Error(`Could not fetch Supabase credentials: ${ error }`)

if (!session) {
return null

return {
endpoint: Config.powersyncUrl,
token: session.access_token ?? "",
expiresAt: session.expires_at
? new Date(session.expires_at * 1000)
: undefined

// Regexes for response codes indicating unrecoverable errors.
/^22...$/, // Data Exception
/^23...$/, // Integrity Constraint Violation

// PowerSync will call this function to upload data to the backend
const uploadData: (database: AbstractPowerSyncDatabase) => Promise<void> = async (database) => {
const transaction = await database.getNextCrudTransaction()

if (!transaction) {

let lastOp: CrudEntry | null = null
try {
// Note: If transactional consistency is important, use database functions
// or edge functions to process the entire transaction in a single call.
for (const op of transaction.crud) {
lastOp = op
const table = supabase.from(op.table)
let result: any = null
switch (op.op) {
case UpdateType.PUT:
// eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations
const record = { ...op.opData, id: }
result = await table.upsert(record)
case UpdateType.PATCH:
result = await table.update(op.opData).eq('id',
case UpdateType.DELETE:
result = await table.delete().eq('id',

if (result?.error) {
throw new Error(`Could not ${ op.op } data to Supabase error: ${ JSON.stringify(result) }`)

await transaction.complete()
} catch (ex: any) {
if (typeof ex.code === 'string' && FATAL_RESPONSE_CODES.some((regex) => regex.test(ex.code))) {
* Instead of blocking the queue with these errors,
* discard the (rest of the) transaction.
* Note that these errors typically indicate a bug in the application.
* If protecting against data loss is important, save the failing records
* elsewhere instead of discarding, and/or notify the user.
console.error(`Data upload error - discarding ${ lastOp }`, ex)
await transaction.complete()
} else {
// Error may be retryable - e.g. network error or temporary server error.
// Throwing an error here causes this call to be retried after a delay.
throw ex

export const supabaseConnector: PowerSyncBackendConnector = {
fetchCredentials, uploadData,

Create the DatabaseContext

We need a single point of connection to the PowerSync instance that we can interact with throughout the app.

To achieve this we create a Database singleton and provide a stable reference to that instance through our DatabaseContext.

We'll check if the user is signed in or not before we initialize the database, as we need a valid session token to connect to the backend.


The DatabaseProvider component wraps its children in both the DatabaseContext.Provider, and also the PowerSyncContext.Provider provided by the PowerSync SDK.

This is necessary because the hooks from the PowerSync SDK require the PowerSyncContext to be present in the component tree, but we'll still need the DatabaseContext to get access to the powersync instance directly.

// app/services/database/database.tsx
import { SupabaseClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js"
import { useAuth } from "./use-auth"
import React, { PropsWithChildren, useEffect } from "react"
import {
} from "@powersync/react-native"
import { supabase, supabaseConnector } from "./supabase" // Adjust the path as needed
import { AppSchema } from "./schema" // Adjust the path as needed

export class Database {
// We expose the PowerSync and Supabase instances for easy access elsewhere in the app
powersync: AbstractPowerSyncDatabase
supabase: SupabaseClient = supabase

* Initialize the Database class with a new PowerSync instance
constructor() {
this.powersync = new PowerSyncDatabase({
database: {
dbFilename: "sqlite.db"
schema: AppSchema

* Initialize the PowerSync instance and connect it to the Supabase backend.
* This will call `fetchCredentials` on the Supabase connector to get the session token.
* So if your database requires authentication, the user will need to be signed in before this is
* called.
async init() {
await this.powersync.init()
await this.powersync.connect(supabaseConnector)

async disconnect() {
await this.powersync.disconnectAndClear()

const database = new Database()

// A context to provide our singleton to the rest of the app
const DatabaseContext = React.createContext<Database | null>(null)

export const useDatabase = () => {
const context: Database | null = React.useContext(DatabaseContext)
if (!context) {
throw new Error("useDatabase must be used within a DatabaseProvider")

return context

// Finally, we create a provider component that initializes the database and provides it to the app
export function DatabaseProvider<T>({ children }: PropsWithChildren<T>) {
const { user } = useAuth()
useEffect(() => {
if (user) {
}, [database, user])
return (
<DatabaseContext.Provider value={ database }>
<PowerSyncContext.Provider value={ database.powersync }>
{ children }

Wrap the app in the DatabaseProvider

Now that we have our DatabaseProvider set up, we can wrap our app in it to provide the database instance to the rest of the app.

Remember that the DatabaseProvider needs access to the users authentication state, so it should be wrapped in the AuthProvider we created earlier.

// app/app.tsx

//... other imports
// Import the provider
import { DatabaseProvider } from "app/services/database/database"

// ...

function App(props: AppProps) {
// ...
return (
{/* Add the Database Provider inside the AuthProvider */ }
<SafeAreaProvider initialMetrics={ initialWindowMetrics }>
// ...

export default App

const $container: ViewStyle = {
flex: 1,

Managing Lists of Todos

In our app we'll want the ability to:

  • fetch the list of all the todo lists from the database
  • add a new todo list
  • delete a todo list

To manage this we'll create the following:

  • a useLists hook to encapsulate the logic for fetching and managing the lists
  • a Lists component to display the lists
  • an AddList component with a form to add a new list

The useLists Hook

The useLists hook will encapsulate the logic for fetching and managing the lists.

It will use:

  • useQuery to fetch the lists from the database and watch for changes
  • PowerSync.execute to create and delete lists


This hook is used to fetch data from the database and watch for changes. It will automatically re-fetch the data when the database changes.

We'll implement our own in a second, but Here's an example of what that looks like:

const { data: lists } = useQuery<ListItemRecord>(`
COUNT(${ TODOS_TABLE }.id) AS total_tasks,
SUM(CASE WHEN ${ TODOS_TABLE }.completed = true THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS completed_tasks

You can write complex queries to fetch data from the database, and the hook will automatically re-fetch the data when the database changes.


This hook needs to be inside a PowerSyncContext.Provider (or our DatabaseProvider) to work.


This method is used to execute SQL queries against the database. We'll be using it here to create and delete lists.

const deleteList = useCallback(async (id: string) => {
console.log('Deleting list', id)
return powersync.execute(`DELETE FROM ${ LIST_TABLE } WHERE id = ?`, [id])
}, [powersync])

Disconnect PowerSync when we Sign Out

When we sign out, we should disconnect the PowerSync instance from the backend to prevent any further data synchronization, and wipe the local database to ensure that no data is left behind.

To do this we'll update our SignOutButton to call powersync.disconnectAndClear() before we sign out of supabase.

// app/components/SignOutButton.tsx

//...other imports
import { useDatabase } from "app/services/database/database"

// ...
export const SignOutButton = observer(function SignOutButton(props: SignOutButtonProps) {
// ...

const { signOut } = useAuth()
const { powersync } = useDatabase()

const handleSignOut = async () => { // make this async
await powersync.disconnectAndClear()
await signOut()

return (
<View style={ $styles }>
<Button text="Sign Out" onPress={ handleSignOut }/>

install expo-crypto to generate UUIDs

Because PowerSync data is local-first, we can't rely on the database to generate auto-incrementing unique ids for us.

When we're offline, the server won't know how many items we've creating, or how many other devices are creating items.

So in this situation, the app needs to be responsible for generating unique ids for items locally.

We'll use the uuid() SQLite method for this. It generates UUIDs using cryptographically secure random values. This provides extra security and ensures that the generated UUIDs are unique.

Implementing the useLists Hook

Now that we can generate random IDs, we can implement the useLists hook:

// app/services/database/use-lists.ts
import { useQuery } from "@powersync/react-native"
import { useAuth } from "app/services/database/use-auth"
import { useCallback } from "react"
import { useDatabase } from "app/services/database/database"
import { LISTS_TABLE, ListRecord, TODOS_TABLE } from "app/services/database/schema"

// Extend the base type with the calculated fields from our query
export type ListItemRecord = ListRecord & { total_tasks: number; completed_tasks: number }

export const useLists = () => {
// Get the current user from the auth context
const { user } = useAuth()
// Get the database instance from the context
const { powersync } = useDatabase()

// List fetching logic here. You can modify it as per your needs.
const { data: lists } = useQuery<ListItemRecord>(`
COUNT(${ TODOS_TABLE }.id) AS total_tasks,
SUM(CASE WHEN ${ TODOS_TABLE }.completed = true THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as completed_tasks

const createList = useCallback(async (name: string) => {

if (!user) {throw new Error("Can't add list -- user is undefined")}

return powersync.execute(
(id, name, created_at, owner_id)
VALUES (uuid(), ?, ?, ?)`,
[name, new Date().toISOString(), user?.id],
}, [user, powersync])

const deleteList = useCallback(async (id: string) => {
console.log('Deleting list', id)
return powersync.execute(`DELETE
WHERE id = ?`, [id])
}, [powersync])

return { lists, createList, deleteList }

Create the Lists and AddLists Components

We're going to need several components to view and manage our todo lists:

  • AddList - displays form to add a new list
  • Lists - displays the list of todo lists and allows the user to delete them

Let start by creating the components using the ignite CLI.

First create the AddList and Lists components:

npx ignite-cli generate component AddList
npx ignite-cli generate component Lists

Add Lists to the Welcome Screen

Add the Lists component to the WelcomeScreen

// app/screens/WelcomeScreen.tsx
import { NativeStackScreenProps } from "@react-navigation/native-stack"
import { Lists, SignOutButton } from "app/components"
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"
import React, { FC } from "react"
import { ViewStyle } from "react-native"
import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"
import { SignedInNavigatorParamList } from "../navigators"
import { colors } from "../theme"

interface WelcomeScreenProps
extends NativeStackScreenProps<SignedInNavigatorParamList, "Welcome"> {}

export const WelcomeScreen: FC<WelcomeScreenProps> = observer(function WelcomeScreen() {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={ $container }>

const $container: ViewStyle = {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral300,
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "flex-start",
height: "100%",
flexDirection: "column",

Display Todo Lists in Lists

Now we can use our useLists hook in app/components/Lists.tsx to display a list of our todo lists -- we don't have any in our database yet, but we'll add some soon!

// app/components/Lists.tsx
import { NavigationProp, useNavigation } from "@react-navigation/native"
import { AddList, Icon, ListItem, Text } from "app/components"
import { AppStackParamList } from "app/navigators"
import { ListItemRecord, useLists } from "app/services/database/use-lists"
import React, { useCallback } from "react"
import { FlatList, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native"
import { colors, spacing } from "../theme"

export function Lists() {

// use our hook to fetch the lists
const { lists, deleteList } = useLists()
const navigation = useNavigation<NavigationProp<AppStackParamList>>()

// This function tells FlatList how to render each item
const renderItem = useCallback(({ item }: { item: ListItemRecord }) => {
return (
textStyle={ $listItemText }
onPress={ () => {
// Eventually this si where we'll navigate to the todo, but for now we'll just log the list name
console.log('Pressed: ',
} }
text={ `${ }` }
<View style={ $deleteListIcon }>
{/* Let users delete lists */}
<Icon icon={ "x" } onPress={ () => deleteList( }/>
}, [])

return (
<View style={ $container }>
<Text preset={ "heading" }>Lists</Text>
<View style={ $card }>
<View style={ [$list, $card] }>
<Text preset={ "subheading" }>Your Lists</Text>
style={ $listContainer }
// pass in our lists
data={ lists }
// pass in our renderItem function
renderItem={ renderItem }
keyExtractor={ (item) => }
ItemSeparatorComponent={ () => <View style={ $separator }/> }
// show a message if the list is empty
ListEmptyComponent={ <Text style={ $emptyList }>No lists found</Text> }

const $separator: ViewStyle = { height: 1, backgroundColor: colors.border }
const $emptyList: TextStyle = {
textAlign: "center",
color: colors.textDim,
opacity: 0.5,
padding: spacing.lg,
const $card: ViewStyle = {
shadowColor: colors.palette.neutral800,
shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 1 },
shadowRadius: 2,
shadowOpacity: 0.35,
borderRadius: 8,
const $listContainer: ViewStyle = {
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral100,
height: "100%",
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1,
const $list: ViewStyle = {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral200,
const $container: ViewStyle = {
flex: 1,
display: "flex",
flexGrow: 1,
const $listItemText: TextStyle = {
height: 44,
width: 44,
const $deleteListIcon: ViewStyle = {
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
height: 44,
marginVertical: spacing.xxs,

Create Todo Lists with AddList

Open app/components/AddList.tsx and update the AddList component to display a simple form to add a new list.

// app/components/AddList.tsx
import { Button, Text, TextField } from "app/components"
import { useLists } from "app/services/database/use-lists"
import { colors, spacing } from "app/theme"
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"
import React from "react"
import { Keyboard, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native"

* Display a form to add a new list
export const AddList = observer(function AddList() {
const [newListName, setNewListName] = React.useState("")
const [error, setError] = React.useState<string | null>(null)

// we use the function from our hook to create a new list
const { createList } = useLists()

const handleAddList = React.useCallback(async () => {
if (!newListName) {
try {
await createList(newListName)
} catch (e: any) {
setError(`Failed to create list: ${ e?.message ?? "unknown error" }`)
} finally {
}, [createList, newListName])

return (
<View style={ $container }>
<Text preset={ "subheading" }>Add a List</Text>
<View style={ $form }>
placeholder="Enter a list name"
containerStyle={ $textField }
inputWrapperStyle={ $textInput }
onChangeText={ setNewListName }
value={ newListName }
onSubmitEditing={ handleAddList }
<Button text="Add List" style={ $button } onPress={ handleAddList }/>
{ error && <Text style={ $error }>{ error }</Text> }

const $container: ViewStyle = {
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral200,

const $form: ViewStyle = {
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",

const $textField: ViewStyle = {
flex: 1,

const $textInput: ViewStyle = {
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral100,

const $button: ViewStyle = {
marginHorizontal: spacing.xs,
padding: 0,
paddingHorizontal: spacing.xs,
paddingVertical: 0,
minHeight: 44,

const $error: TextStyle = {
color: colors.error,

Checking In

By this point you should be able to:

  • add new Todo lists,
  • see a list of all the Todo lists,
  • delete Todo lists from the list of lists.

This is a good time to commit your changes!

Viewing and Editing Individual TodoLists

To view and edit todos inside a list, we'll want to create a new Screen, and add it to the navigator so we can navigate to it.

Create the TodoList Screen

First lets create a new screen called TodoList.

npx ignite-cli generate screen TodoList

This will eventually display the todos for a list. For now we'll just leave it as-is.

Update the AppNavigator to include the TodoList screen

Open app/navigators/SignedInNavigator.tsx and add the TodoList screen to the navigator.

  1. Find the TodoList screen in AppStackParamList, and update it to take a listId parameter.

    // app/navigators/AppNavigator.tsx
    export type AppStackParamList = {
    Welcome: undefined
    Auth: undefined
    TodoList: { listId: string } // add this line
  2. Wrap WelcomeScreen in a fragment (<>...</>) and move the TodoList screen inside the fragment.

    Because the fragment is wrapped in the conditional, it will only be rendered if the user is signed in.

    // ...

    const AppStack = observer(function AppStack() {
    // Fetch the user from the auth context
    const { signedIn } = useAuth()
    return (
    <Stack.Navigator screenOptions={ { headerShown: false, navigationBarColor: colors.background } }>
    <Stack.Screen name={ "Auth" } component={ AuthScreen }/>
    { signedIn ? (
    <Stack.Screen name="Welcome" component={ Screens.WelcomeScreen }/>
    <Stack.Screen name="TodoList" component={ Screens.TodoListScreen }/>
    ) : null }

    export const AppNavigator = observer(function AppNavigator(props: NavigationProps) {
    // ...
  3. Open app/screens/TodoListScreen.tsx and update the screen to receive the listId parameter -- for now we'll just display it to make sure we got it.

    // app/screens/TodoListScreen.tsx
    // ...

    export const TodoListScreen: FC<TodoListScreenProps> = function TodoListScreen({
    // We get the listId from the route params
    route: { params: {listId} }
    }) {
    return (
    <Screen style={ $root } preset="scroll" safeAreaEdges={ ["top"] }>
    <Pressable onPress={ () => navigation.goBack() }>
    <Icon icon={ "back" } size={ 50 }/>
    <Text preset={ "heading" } text={ listId }/>

    const $root: ViewStyle = {
    flex: 1,

    const $backButton: ViewStyle = {
    height: 44,

Update Lists so touching a list navigated to TodoListScreen and passes the listId param

Now we can update the Lists component to navigate to the TodoList screen when a list is pressed.

// app/components/Lists.tsx

// ... other imports
import { NavigationProp, useNavigation } from "@react-navigation/native"
import { AppStackParamList } from "app/navigators"

export function Lists() {

const { lists, deleteList } = useLists()
// We use the root param list, because this component might be reusing in other screens/navigators
const navigation = useNavigation<NavigationProp<AppStackParamList>>()

const renderItem = useCallback(({ item }: { item: ListItemRecord }) => {
return <ListItem
// ... other props
// Navigate to the TodoList screen, passing the `listId` as a parameter
onPress={ () => {
navigation.navigate("TodoList", { listId: })
} }
}, [])

return (
//... component body

Implement a useList hook to view and manage Todos for a List

Now that we can navigate to the TodoList screen, we can start fetching and managing the todos for a list.

Once again we'll create a hook to gather together the methods we'll likely use together.

The hook will take a listId as a parameter, and return the list, the todos for that list, and functions to add and remove todos.


We are using usePowerSyncQuery to fetch the list and usePowerSyncWatchedQuery to fetch the todos, because the list itself won't change often, so we only need to watch the todos for changes.

// app/services/database/use-list.ts

import { useQuery } from "@powersync/react-native"
import { useDatabase } from "app/services/database/database"
import { LISTS_TABLE, ListRecord, TODOS_TABLE, TodoRecord } from "app/services/database/schema"
import { useAuth } from "app/services/database/use-auth"
import { useCallback } from "react"

export function useList(listId: string) {
const { user } = useAuth()
const { powersync } = useDatabase()

const { data: listRecords } = useQuery<ListRecord>(`
WHERE id = ?
`, [listId])

// we only expect one list record
const list = listRecords[0]

const { data: todos } = useQuery<TodoRecord>(`
WHERE list_id = ?
`, [listId])

const addTodo = useCallback(async (description: string): Promise<{ error: string | null }> => {
if (!user) {
throw new Error("Can't add todo -- user is undefined")
try {
await powersync.execute(
(id, description, created_at, list_id, created_by, completed)
VALUES (uuid(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`,
[description, new Date().toISOString(), listId, user?.id, 0],

return { error: null }
} catch (error: any) {
return { error: `Error adding todo: ${ error?.message }` }
}, [user, powersync, listId])

const removeTodo = useCallback(async (id: string): Promise<{ error: string | null }> => {
try {
await powersync.execute(`DELETE
WHERE id = ?`, [id])
return { error: null }
} catch (error: any) {
console.error("Error removing todo", error)
return { error: `Error removing todo: ${ error?.message }` }

}, [

const setTodoCompleted = useCallback(async (id: string, completed: boolean): Promise<{ error: string | null }> => {

const completedAt = completed ? new Date().toISOString() : null
const completedBy = completed ? user?.id : null

try {
await powersync.execute(`
SET completed = ?, completed_at = ?, completed_by = ?
WHERE id = ?
`, [completed, completedAt, completedBy, id])

return { error: null }

} catch (error: any) {
console.error('Error toggling todo', error)
return { error: `Error toggling todo: ${ error?.message }` }
}, [powersync])

return { list, todos, addTodo, removeTodo, setTodoCompleted }


Implement TodoListScreen to Display and Edit Todos in a List

Now in our TodoList screen we can use the useList hook to fetch the todos for a list:

A lot of this should be familiar by now, we're using the useList hook to fetch the list and todos, and then rendering them in a FlatList.

// app/screens/TodoListScreen.tsx
import { Button, Icon, ListItem, Screen, Text, TextField } from "app/components"
import { SignedInNavigatorScreenProps } from "app/navigators"
import { TodoRecord } from "app/services/database/schema"
import { useList } from "app/services/database/use-list"
import { colors, spacing } from "app/theme"
import React, { FC, useCallback } from "react"
import { FlatList, Pressable, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native"
import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"

interface TodoListScreenProps extends SignedInNavigatorScreenProps<"TodoList"> {}

export const TodoListScreen: FC<TodoListScreenProps> = function TodoListScreen({
route: { params: { listId } },
}) {

// We use the hook to get the list and todos for the list
const { list, todos, addTodo, removeTodo, setTodoCompleted } = useList(listId)

// State for managing the new todo input and errors
const [newTodo, setNewTodo] = React.useState("")
const [error, setError] = React.useState<string | null>(null)

// We wrap the addTodo from the hook with a bit of error handling
const handleAddTodo = useCallback(async () => {
const { error } = await addTodo(newTodo)
if (error) {
}, [newTodo])

// And do the same for removeTodo
const handleRemoveTodo = useCallback(async (id: string) => {
const { error } = await removeTodo(id)
if (error) {
}, [removeTodo, setError])

// We'll use the ListItem component to display each todo, as we did with the lists
const renderItem = useCallback(({ item }: { item: TodoRecord }) => {
return <ListItem
containerStyle={ $listItemContainer }
textStyle={ [$listItemText, item.completed && $strikeThrough] }
text={ `${ item.description }` }
RightComponent={ (
<Pressable style={ $deleteIcon }>
<Icon icon={ "x" } onPress={ () => handleRemoveTodo( }/>
</Pressable>) }
onPress={ () => setTodoCompleted(, !item.completed) }
}, [

return (
<Screen style={ $root } preset="fixed">
<SafeAreaView style={ $header } edges={ ["top"] }>
<Pressable onPress={ () => navigation.goBack() }>
<Icon icon={ "back" } size={ 44 }/>
<Text style={ $listName } preset={ "heading" } text={ list?.name }/>
<View style={ $addTodoContainer }>
<Text preset={ "subheading" }>Add a list</Text>
<View style={ $form }>
placeholder="New todo..."
containerStyle={ $textField }
inputWrapperStyle={ $textInput }
onChangeText={ setNewTodo }
value={ newTodo }/>
<Button text="ADD" style={ $button } onPress={ handleAddTodo }/>
{ error && <Text style={ $error }>{ error }</Text> }
<View style={ $container }>
data={ todos }
renderItem={ renderItem }
ItemSeparatorComponent={ () => <View style={ $separator }/> }
ListEmptyComponent={ <Text style={ $emptyList }>List is Empty</Text> }

const $root: ViewStyle = {
flex: 1,
const $listItemContainer: ViewStyle = {
alignItems: "center",

const $strikeThrough: TextStyle = { textDecorationLine: "line-through" }

const $form: ViewStyle = {
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",

const $separator: ViewStyle = { height: 1, backgroundColor: colors.border }

const $emptyList: TextStyle = {
color: colors.textDim,
opacity: 0.5,
padding: spacing.lg,
fontSize: 24,

const $textField: ViewStyle = {
flex: 1,

const $textInput: ViewStyle = {
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral100,

const $button: ViewStyle = {
marginHorizontal: spacing.xs,
padding: 0,
paddingHorizontal: spacing.xs,
paddingVertical: 0,

const $addTodoContainer: ViewStyle = {
backgroundColor: colors.palette.neutral300,
const $header: ViewStyle = {
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: colors.palette.secondary200,

const $listName: TextStyle = {
flex: 1,

const $error: TextStyle = {
color: colors.error,

const $container: ViewStyle = {

const $listItemText: TextStyle = {
height: 44,
verticalAlign: "middle"

const $deleteIcon: ViewStyle = {
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
height: 44,
marginVertical: spacing.xxs,

Checking In

At this point you should be able to:

  • Touch a list in the Lists component and navigate to the TodoList screen
  • See the list of todos in the list on the TodoList screen
  • Add and remove todos from the list
  • Toggle todos completed status by tapping them


Now you have all the tools you need use PowerSync and Supabase to build a local-first app with real-time sync!

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