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Migrating from i18n-js to react-i18next within an Ignite project


In this guide, we will be going through the steps required to migrate your Ignite generated project from using i18n-js to the react-i18next library. It is meant specifically for projects generated with version 9 and below.

react-i18next will be included in Ignite's version 10. If you're using an earlier version, this guide provides the necessary steps to successfully complete the migration.

Finally, the steps outlined in this guide, are based on the changes outlined in the following two PRs:

Step 1: Manage dependencies

Remove the i18n-js package and its types:

yarn remove i18n-js @types/i18n-js@types/i18n-js

Add the two new dependencies:

yarn add react-i18next i18next

Step 2: Set up initialization logic in app.tsx

To ensure that react-i18next finishes initializing before your app proceeds, we recommend adding state and logic to the app.tsx entry file:

  1. Create a state variable, isI18nInitialized, to track initialization status.
  2. Use the useEffect hook to set the state when initialization completes.

import "./i18n"
import { initI18n } from "./i18n"

// ...extra file logic

const [isI18nInitialized, setIsI18nInitialized] = useState(false);

useEffect(() => {
initI18n().then(() => setIsI18nInitialized(true));
}, []);

Additionally, consider including the new state variable in the rendering condition for the app.

if (!rehydrated || !isNavigationStateRestored || (!areFontsLoaded && !fontLoadError)) {
if (!rehydrated || !isNavigationStateRestored || !isI18nInitialized || (!areFontsLoaded && !fontLoadError)) {
return null

This ensures that your app will wait until react-i18next is fully initialized before continuing, preventing any issues with missing translations.

Step 3: Remove i18n-js from project

In app/i18n/i18n.ts, delete the import line for i18n-js.

import { I18n } from "i18n-js"

Step 4: Update the i18n initialization method

Next, update your i18n initialization to use react-i18next, which also includes RTL (right-to-left) language support and handles locale selection. In a Ingnite generated project, this is located in app/i18n/i18n.ts.

import * as i18next from "i18next"
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next"
import en from "./en"
import ar from "./ar"
import ko from "./ko"
import es from "./es"
import fr from "./fr"
import ja from "./ja"
import hi from "./hi"

// ...extra file logic

export const i18n = new I18n(
{ ar, en, "en-US": en, ko, fr, ja, hi },
{ locale: fallbackLocale, defaultLocale: fallbackLocale, enableFallback: true },
const resources = { ar, en, ko, es, fr, ja, hi }

const pickSupportedLocale: () => Localization.Locale | undefined = () => {
return systemLocales.find((locale) => systemTagMatchesSupportedTags(locale.languageTag))

const locale = pickSupportedLocale()

export const initI18n = async () => {
await i18n.use(initReactI18next).init({
lng: locale?.languageTag ?? fallbackLocale,
fallbackLng: fallbackLocale,
interpolation: { escapeValue: false },

const locale = pickSupportedLocale();
if (locale?.textDirection === 'rtl') {
isRTL = true;
} else {
isRTL = false;

return i18n;

This ensures that supported locales are chosen based on the device’s settings, and RTL is correctly applied when necessary. For more on detail on these changes, check the this PR.

Step 5: Add intl-pluralrules for react-i18next and JSON v4

To support pluralization and react-i18next's JSON v4 format, you’ll need to add the intl-pluralrules package:

yarn add intl-pluralrules

Make sure to import this package into your i18n configuration file (app/i18n/i18n.ts):

import 'intl-pluralrules';

Step 6: Update the translate function

The next step is to replace your old translate function with the one provided by react-i18next. This is located in app/i18n/translate.ts:

import { TranslateOptions } from "i18n-js"
import { TOptions } from "i18next"
import { TxKeyPath } from "./i18n"

export function translate(key: TxKeyPath, options?: TranslateOptions): string {
return i18n.t(key, options)
export function translate(key: TxKeyPath, options?: TOptions) {
return i18n.isInitialized ? i18n.t(key, options) : key;

Step 7: Update translation keys from dots (.) to colons (:)

react-i18next uses different types of separators for translation keys. Colons (:) are used for first-level translations within an object, while dots (.) are used for nested translations. As a result, you’ll need to update all translation keys in your app accordingly. For example:


Should be changed to:



Using Ignite’s boilerplate code, here’s an example of how to replace the separator in i18next. We’ll use the WelcomeScreen component as a reference:

rightTx: "common.logOut",
onRightPress: logout,
rightTx: "common:logOut",
onRightPress: logout,

Or from the return statement itself:

return (
<View style={$container}>
<View style={$topContainer}>
<Image style={$welcomeLogo} source={welcomeLogo} resizeMode="contain" />
<Text tx="welcomeScreen.exciting" preset="subheading" />
<Image style={$welcomeFace} source={welcomeFace} resizeMode="contain" />

<View style={[$bottomContainer, $bottomContainerInsets]}>
<Text tx="welcomeScreen.postscript" size="md" />

return (
<View style={$container}>
<View style={$topContainer}>
<Image style={$welcomeLogo} source={welcomeLogo} resizeMode="contain" />
<Text tx="welcomeScreen:exciting" preset="subheading" />
<Image style={$welcomeFace} source={welcomeFace} resizeMode="contain" />

<View style={[$bottomContainer, $bottomContainerInsets]}>
<Text tx="welcomeScreen:postscript" size="md" />


Step 8: Update types in i18n.ts

To prevent errors related to the tx property and accommodate i18next's use of : as the primary separator, we need to update the types in app/i18n/i18n.ts.

type RecursiveKeyOf<TObj extends object> = {
[TKey in keyof TObj & (string | number)]: RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue<TObj[TKey], `${TKey}`>
}[keyof TObj & (string | number)]

type RecursiveKeyOfInner<TObj extends object> = {
[TKey in keyof TObj & (string | number)]: RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue<
`['${TKey}']` | `.${TKey}`
}[keyof TObj & (string | number)]

type RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue<TValue, Text extends string> = TValue extends any[]
? Text
: TValue extends object
? Text | `${Text}${RecursiveKeyOfInner<TValue>}`
: Text
type RecursiveKeyOf<TObj extends object> = {
[TKey in keyof TObj & (string | number)]: RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue<TObj[TKey], `${TKey}`, true>
}[keyof TObj & (string | number)]

type RecursiveKeyOfInner<TObj extends object> = {
[TKey in keyof TObj & (string | number)]: RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue<TObj[TKey], `${TKey}`, false>
}[keyof TObj & (string | number)]

type RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue<
Text extends string,
IsFirstLevel extends boolean,
> = TValue extends any[]
? Text
: TValue extends object
? IsFirstLevel extends true
? Text | `${Text}:${RecursiveKeyOfInner<TValue>}`
: Text | `${Text}.${RecursiveKeyOfInner<TValue>}`
: Text

Lastly, update the usage of i18n's locale method to language instead. For example in app/utils/formatDate.ts:

import { i18n } from "app/i18n"
import i18next from "i18next"

// ...extra file logic

const locale = i18n.locale.split("-")[0]
const locale = i18next.language.split("-")[0]

For detailed code changes, including initialization updates, translation function updates, and testing, refer to the following PRs on the Ignite Github repo:

By following this guide, you will be able to seamlessly transition your React Native app from i18n-js to react-i18next, ensuring improved localization features and support for modern internationalization practices. Let us know if you have any questions!

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