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Remove Mobx-State-Tree

By default, Ignite uses MobX-State-Tree as the default state management solution. While we love MobX-State-Tree at Infinite Red, we understand the landscape is rich with great alternatives that you may want to use instead.

This guide will show you how to remove Mobx-State-Tree from an Ignite-generated project and get to a "blank slate" with no state management at all.


  1. Let's start by removing all MobX-related dependencies
yarn remove mobx mobx-react-lite mobx-state-tree reactotron-mst
  1. Ignite places all MobX-State-Tree models in the models/. Remove this entire directory and all files within it, these are not needed anymore.
rm -rf ./app/models

If you are migrating a project with several existing models, you may want to keep a copy of these around for reference as you migrate to your new system.

  1. Remove the reactotron-mst plugin from Reactotron's config


--import { mst } from "reactotron-mst"


const reactotron = Reactotron.configure({
name: require("../../package.json").name,
onConnect: () => {
/** since this file gets hot reloaded, let's clear the past logs every time we connect */
-- mst({
-- /** ignore some chatty `mobx-state-tree` actions */
-- filter: (event) => /postProcessSnapshot|@APPLY_SNAPSHOT/.test( === false,
-- }),
  1. Remove observer() wrapped components and reformat as functional React components
  • Do a project-wide search for observer( and replace each component instance with the following pattern:


--import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"

--export const WelcomeScreen: FC<WelcomeScreenProps> = observer(function WelcomeScreen(props) {
++export const WelcomeScreen: FC<WelcomeScreenProps> = (props) => {
  1. Remove useStores() from components
  • Do a project-wide search for useStores and remove each instance.
  • If you're converting to a different state management solution, you'll need to swap the data we get from useStores to your new solution. Or you can swap in temporary hardcoded values to prevent crashes while you migrate. (just don't forget about it!)
--import { useStores } from "../models"

const AppStack = () => {
-- const { authenticationStore: { isAuthenticated } } = useStores()
++ const isAuthenticated = false // TODO: TEMPORARY VALUE - replace with alternative state management solution
  1. Update the Ignite Generator Templates!
  • Follow the same pattern to replace observer(). This will allow you to quickly generate screens and components via npx ignite-cli generate screen NewScreen and npx ignite-cli generate component NewComponent and use your updated syntax.
  • I also recommend customizing these however else you prefer!


--import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"

--export const <%= props.pascalCaseName %> = observer(function <%= props.pascalCaseName %>(props: <%= props.pascalCaseName %>Props) {
++export const <%= props.pascalCaseName %> = (props: <%= props.pascalCaseName %>Props) => {
  1. Remove old MobX-State-Tree store initialization & hydration code in app.tsx.
  • We still need to call hideSplashScreen in a useEffect so the app loads without needing to hydrate a store first.


--import { useInitialRootStore } from "./models"

--const { rehydrated } = useInitialRootStore(() => {
--setTimeout(hideSplashScreen, 500)
++React.useEffect(() => {
++ setTimeout(hideSplashScreen, 500)
++}, [])

--if (!rehydrated || !isNavigationStateRestored || !areFontsLoaded) return null
++if (!isNavigationStateRestored || !areFontsLoaded) return null
  1. Remove any remaining /models imports

Your app might have a few remaining references to replace. In the Ignite Demo App, we need to replace the EpisodeSnapshotIn type which was previously derived from the MST model. Instead, we'll use EpisodeItem from our API types.


--import type { ApiConfig, ApiFeedResponse } from "./api.types"
--import type { EpisodeSnapshotIn } from "../../models/Episode"
++import type { ApiConfig, ApiFeedResponse, EpisodeItem } from "./api.types"

--async getEpisodes(): Promise<{ kind: "ok"; episodes: EpisodeSnapshotIn[] } | GeneralApiProblem> {
++async getEpisodes(): Promise<{ kind: "ok"; episodes: EpisodeItem[] } | GeneralApiProblem> {
// make the api call

--// This is where we transform the data into the shape we expect for our MST model.
--const episodes: EpisodeSnapshotIn[] =
-- rawData? => ({
-- ...raw,
-- })) ?? []
++const episodes = rawData?.items ?? []


You should be able to build and run your app! It won't have any data...but you now have a "blank slate" to setup your state management solution of choice.

For next steps, we have recipes for migrating to

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